Hibiscus powder comes from the crushed flower petals of the Hibiscus plant. Hibiscus makes an excellent cooling and tasty beverage, and is an even better addition to natural hair and skin care!
Hibiscus belongs to kingdom Plantae and Malvaceae family. Its binomial name is “Hibiscus rosa-sinensis”which is Latin in origin. In English, it is called; Shoe flower or China rose. Ayurveda believes to cure the ailment using natural substances; these are much efficient, free from side-effects and affordable. Hibiscus flowers are rich in Iron, phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin etc. It also contains Vitamin C and carotene in small amounts.Firstly, it is good for pitta kind of diseases. It is very useful to correct hereditary disorders. The wholesome plant is usable; its flowers, leaves, roots, stem, bark all.

There are many ways one can use Hibiscus powder: Alone, as a tea rinse, infused in a carrier oil, in henna to boost red tones, in conditioner, with other ayurvedic herbs, in coconut milk or yogurt, infused in vinegar and used as the final rinse, as the tea base for henna, a scalp scrub and as a face masque. Those with lighter hair should use Hibiscus with caution as it may stain the hair temporarily.
Benefits of Hibiscus Powder for Skin:
It contains the most powerful anti-aging plant actives which firm and lift skin.
It evens skin tone and reduces hyper pigmentation or age spots. Due to the slightly exfoliating effect of the organic acids found in the plant, hibiscus helps to speed up cellturnover, resulting in a more even looking skin tone.
Improves complexion of the skin by breaking down dead skin cells.
It is rich in antioxidants for the skin.
Benefits of Hibiscus Powder for Hair:
Prevents premature graying of hair
Thickens hair
Reduce hair fall
Other Benefits of Hibiscus Powder:
Due to the cooling effects of hibiscus tea, fever can also be reduced. In other parts of the world such as Africa, the parts of the plant (such as flowers) was used in the treatment of liver disease, symptoms of cold and constipation. The pulp or juice made from these leaves can treat skin wounds. This is one of the most know hibiscus tea benefits around the world.
This plant is becoming popular as an effective remedy for high blood pressure (or hypertension). Besides this, it reduces high cholesterol levels ( a major reason for most heart attacks). The bioflavonoid compounds in the hibiscus tea can assist in the prevention of cholesterol; thus, resulting in a healthy heart. The regulation of blood pressure is done naturally
Hibiscus tea can be one of the best health drinks for women. Do you know why? Well, it contains all the essential antioxidants to fight against the aging signs and makes a woman look 5 times younger than her actual age. Besides this, it calms the hot flashes during menopause times.
Ways to use Hibiscus Powder:
For Hair Mask – Mix hibiscus powder with aloe vera gel and apply to your roots and hair ends.
With Henna to boost red tones - Mix 1-4 tablespoons of Hibiscus powder in with the henna powder before adding any liquids. This assures that the Hibiscus is less gritty. Apply to damp, clean hair. A tea can also be made and used as the liquid component of the henna treatment.
For Scrub – Add hibiscus in your regular scrubs for removal of dead skin cells.
For Face Mask - Add yogurt , aloe vera gel and a small amount of hibiscus powder for an anti-aging and skin cleansing face mask.
For Taking Orally as a Tea - In a small saucepan place the water, hibiscus powder and granulated honey. Place on medium heat and bring mixture to a simmer. Stirring occasionally. Simmer for five minutes, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh sieve (to remove the hibiscus particles) into a pitcher. You can serve it Hot or Chill overnight. If the tea is not sweet enough for your liking you can use our brown sugar to sweeten the tea as well!
Safety Warning (When taking Orally):
(1) Hibiscus tea should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
(2) It should not be taken by the women who are in medication for fertility treatments. The levels of estrogen in the body are reduced; menstruation is triggered and a miscarriage might be the result.
(3) Hibiscus tea and hibiscus supplements are not recommended for women who are taking birth control pills.
(4) Refrain from taking hibiscus tea and its supplements if you are under any hormonal treatment.
(5) Do not take hibiscus if you are suffering from low blood pressure. It might lower the levels more.
What's your way of using Hibiscus Powder? Leave a comment.